

We are not sure why we added a members page to the site as there are really no members, CSOG is not a club, its a group of fellow model railroaders and operators. There are no dues, fees and costs associated with the group , other than the personal cost to operate and support your own layout, and of course the small supply of cookies and drinks that are offered on operations night, which has become quite the tradition. I'm sure we will find a purpose for this page down the road, maybe to offer some tips and techniques we've all picked up along the way.  Our purpose is not to recruit operators and/or model railroaders, its purpose is to share what we have done in the hopes that there are others out there who may find this hobby as rewarding as we have.


Here's a  doc on a recent clinic that was conducted by our very own John Feraca regarding weathering rolling stock, John has a highly impressive collection of weathered locomotives as well as rolling stock on his layout. 

"Realistic weathering in 3 easy steps"  to view the PDF click here





Central Suffolk Operations Group 2015